
26. “What did the teacher say to you just now? “”She asked me ___.” A. whether I had finished my work or not B. whether or not had I finished my work C. if my work had finished or not D. if or not I have finished my work 解析:本题考点是宾语从句...

“托马六、唵以、及夫、尤、唵五史为”,这看似乱码的文字,实为英文“tomorrow I give you answer”的汉语音译,看到近日曝光的清朝英语教材,网友调侃“终于知道我念英语的方法跟谁学的了...

要想翻译忠实原文,首先就得准确地理解“to be, or not to be”的含义,我认为这关键在于“to be”,因为“not to be”只是前者的反义词,只能视前者的译文而定。在英国出版的词典中,be 的释义是 exist,中文释义:生存;exist 的释义是 (of people) live (esp. in reversed ...

7. “You never, you should have, you ought to...” 7.“你不能这样,你本来可以这样,你应该这样……” Sorry, but chiding your spouse about how he never does the dishes (or takes out the trash or drives the kids to school) isn’t likely to inspire chang...

With最常用的意思是“与……(一起)”:I'll go with you.(我和你一起去。)也可以表示“使用(工具)”:You are not supposed to write your answers with pencils.(不得用铅笔答题。)还可以表示“在某种状态下”:I don't think he did this with reason.(我看他并不是在...

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